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Important Things to know if you Run a Blog Site

Important Things to know if you Run a Blog Site

Here you learn about things that you actually don’t know for some time. In blogging everything you learn after a mistake.

I suggest you learn from other’s mistakes. This method is suggested by JACK MA. Some kinds of stuff about themes and edit in HTML. Let us see some of it one by one. This stuff surely helps for blogging beginners.

Important Things to know if you Run a Blog Site


We use layout for modification. In some themes we use HTML. Everyone cannot learn to edit HTML. As every YouTuber suggests you save a backup copy while editing HTML [theme] Because a little improper change can collapse the whole creation in the blog.

HTML language is needed to edit it appropriately. If we know HTML language then we can solve problems occurring during modification in theme modification in HTML, so every beginner please make a backup before making theme modification in HTML.

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There are some basic things we do in HTML as instructed by some YouTubers. As I have seen many videos but none has mentioned this stuff. after a long experienced I learned this stuff so I like to share it with you.

There are some basic things like

  1. Google analytics.
  2. Google console.
  3. Google AdSense.

while connecting google analytics we have to use analytics code or publisher id. Then have to paste some sort of code in the theme under the head tag. the same type of process in google console and google Adsense.

In Google Adsense, we collect code and paste under the head tag. This is also called a verification code. this is used in the verification process.


Firstly we change many themes and chose the best fit for our content. At that time we forget that we have added AdSense code, google analytics code, and google console code in the previous theme.

When we change the theme we have to set up from the beginning. Without knowing this I have got many errors.

After you change a theme, you paste all other basic codes that are used for monetization of your blog.

When I pasted my AdSense verification code in theme I got an error. it showed error in AdSense widget1. If you got such a problem then follow the steps to solve it.


If we change the theme the code in the previous theme is there in the layout so this error occurs. so delete the AdSense gadget in layout. if not possible then go to edit HTML option. At the top, you can see the widget option. all the widgets are present there. select the widget which causes the error. for example, here we select the adsense1 widget. delete the widget from the theme.

every theme starts with<b> and ends with</b>widget [in some widget it may have some change]

so, erase it by selecting appropriate line HTML codes.

Hence widget error in theme [HTML] is solved 100%


Check whether the analytics tool and google console tool are connected or not. if not then connect it.

Little by little try to learn basic HTML if you wish to become a professional blogger. if you do the blog for timepass then that doesn’t matter. Take backup and save a copy before editing in THEME HTML.


You should choose a theme that is relevant to your niche. As of my knowledge, I will suggest you use a light weighed theme. this helps in the speed of your blog. You can check your page speed on page insight stools.

There you can see theme speed in mobile as well as desktop.

Mostly chose a theme that has high speed on mobile as everyone uses mobile for these kinds of stuff.

The speed of your blog plays a vital role in traffic.

Easy to edit or modify it. I suggested choosing lightweight themes because on your website you have to include many widgets such as sidebar posts, featured, popular posts, etc.

If you choose a heavyweight theme after these alterations your website speed will be very low. After adding AdSense it will be very slow. your traffic will be low as the website takes a long time to load.


Place social icons on your website both for contacting your community as well

as for sharing your posts. Any modification in social icons can be done in layout, if not then you have to do it in the EDIT HTML option. Their first press ctrl+f and find the appropriate space. it will be helpful in the modification in the theme. Create your community for your blog in many social media that would help you to get your own audience.


Try t use tools to review or to know about your blog’s current performance and works. there are many blog tools available for you in the field of blogging. I learned and used these tools after several months working in the blogging field, so I like to share with you in the begging itself [for begginers]

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If you bloggers learned any stuff or solution for any problems then mention in the comment section let us help each other and new beginners. I have mentioned some of the issues and blogging pieces of stuff that I learned from mistakes. More things will be updated soon in further next posts.

Author Bio –

LAKSHMINARAYANA. N – I am a filter newscaster and risk advisory. I was also covered by Blogging. Check my blog here – Lifeofutopian

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