Write for Us – Webmaster’s, Technology News and Updates

Author: Nob6 Team

Updated On:

Write for us. Yes, Nob6 looking for new and expert writers to contribute a guest post. If you’ve got new, creative content then it’s a golden opportunity to grow your idea with the large size of the online community.

We would love to hear about you and work together to create an ultimate resource for you, other content marketers, SEO experts, web designers, and potential clients, by delivering great content on topics that concern them!

How our Guest Posting is work?

  1. Pitch – Give us your pitch at our official email at joinnob6@gmail.com and wait to be accepted by us.
  2. Follow the email Guidelines – Follow our email guidelines and send us to require pieces of information.
  3. Write Article – Ready your article and submit it in prescripted format.
  4. Wait for Review – Wait for 7 days to review.
  5. Done – You receive a confirmation email with the live site and social links.

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What kind of content do we look for?

We’re looking for all kinds of literary material-tell us something special you’ve found in your favorite book or talk about your favorite genre. Our blog is meant to be a resource hub for webmasters, as we provide content marketing, SEO, web creation, and web technology resources and knowledge base.

Visit our website before you pitch, and see what kind of pieces we commissioned to get an idea of what we want. Our goal is to offer our readers articles written by people who enjoy what they do and want to share their insights and expertise on the below topics.

What you will get back from write for us?

  • Improve Traffic: All search engines in 24 hours are submitted with your article and you get traffic for your blog.
  • Backlink: Get a targeted do-follow backlink to improve the visibility of your post.
  • SEO Study: We are trying to improve your article in all search engines with the latest SEO Strategy. We are in touch with you for updates and best practice SEO submissions.
  • Social Media Engagement: The Facebook Page, Twitter Account, Medium Page includes any article published in our broad social media family.


<Nob6> is Approved by Google Publisher

What Things Do We publish?

How to tutorial Adsense Bitcoin
Case study Affiliate Marketing Reviews
Technology Life Hacks Business
SEO Security Brand
Domain and Hosting CMS Entrepreneurship
PHP Success Story Success
inspiration Web Design Startup
App Development Web Development Strategic advice
Web Apps/Software’s Social Networking Relationship building
Internet Blogging Social Media
Business Growth News and Updates Technology
WordPress Affiliate Marketing Webmaster

Guest Post Submission Guidelines:

Before submitting your post you must be followed the guidelines carefully.

Article Title

  • The article title must be relevant to the content.
  • Keep your article titles under 60 characters.
  • Use your focus keyword or phrase at the starting of the title.

Article Description

  • We recommend descriptions between 50–160 characters
  • Use your focus keyword or phrase at the starting of the description.
  • Your description is focused on readers, not just search engines.
  • Include your brand name in the description when relevant.
  • Do not use any mobile number, address, or any type of unuseful content in the description.
  • Do not copy any description from another blog or website.

Article Main Content

  • Unique content must be creative and unique tech content that hasn’t been published somewhere else.
  • Your Article Should be 500 to 3000 words. Average 1500 words and More unique words will publish fast.
  • The article should be related to the mentioned topic categories.
  • Review articles – you need to write fresh content for all your review articles. do not copy about pages content from your website.
  • Company Promotion Article – We accept company promotion articles if the content is fresh.
  • Use your focused keyword or phrase in your first paragraph with high-level headings.


  • We are highly recommended to use relevant tags for your article.
  • Send 5-10 tags related to your post.


  • All images should be in JPG or PNG format.
  • If you don’t have the right to images then send the image source name with a link.
  • Use the right images in your article to give a high reader impact.

Author Bio

  • An author’s bio is fixed for your all articles.
  • Use your personal information like your profession, skills, and experience.
  • You can use one permanent do-follow in your bio.
  • For change bio, you need to contact me via email.


  • You can put 1 link for every 500 words article. If your article has another 500 words then your article is eligible for another do follow backlink.
  • Don’t use affiliate links in the article.
  • Use only working links.
  • Delete broken links automatically even the article is live.

Submit Your Post

Know before you submit that due to the number of posts we get, maybe Delay will respond to every submission. It is fair to say that your application will not be published if we do not respond to you in two weeks’ time.

Drop us a mail at  – joinnob6 @ Gmail dot com

Strictly the following types of content shall not be approved

  • Adult, Pornographic, or any illegal content
  • Alcohol, Tobacco, ammunition, gambling, hazardous substances, illegal drugs, gore, violence, and racist content.
  • Content-generated sites using computer programs can not be understood.
  • The bulk of the content is user-generated
  • Sites with fake news
  • Any other content that we believe in our sole discretion to be illegal

Click here for Digital Marketing, SEO Guest Posts – SEO Haste

Keyword phrases used in Google searches for the guest post:

“submit article” “write for us”
“guest author” “guest article”
“contributing writer” “This is a guest post by”
“submit news” “contributing writer”
“become a guest blogger” “want to write for”
“guest blogger” “submit blog post”
“guest posts wanted” “writers wanted”
“looking for guest posts” “articles wanted”
“guest posts wanted” “become an author”
“guest poster wanted” “become guest writer”
“accepting guest posts” “become a contributor”
“guest post” “submit guest post”
“contribute to our site” “submit an article”
“guest column” “submit post”
“submit content” “This post was written by”
“submit your content” “guest post courtesy of ”
“guest posting guidelines” “submit an article”
“suggest a post” “contributor guidelines”

What People Search for a guest post in Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines.


Technology Write to us Write for us + Technology
Mobile Technology + “Write for us” Fashion + write for us
Fashion Write for us Technology + Write for us
SEO Write for us Write for us Technology
WordPress Write us Technology + write for us + Guest Post
Business Write for us Write for us Fashion Blog
News Write for us Write for us Men’s Fashion
Web Design and Development Write for us Business “Write For Us”
Write for us Fashion Guest Post Technology
Mobile App Write for us Technology Business “Write for us”
Niche + Write for us Blogging Write for us
Business Technology write for us Guest Post Opportunities
Fashion + “write for us” Health write for us Guest Post
Technology Business Write for us Technology + “Write for us” + Guest Post
Health + Write For Us + Guest Post Fashion Write for us Guest Post
Technology “Write for us” Technology Business + write to us
Fashion Blog write for us Fashion Blogs +”Write to us”
Content Marketing + write for us + Guest Post Tech Blogs “Write for us”
Information Technology Write for us Fashion Blog Contribute To
Health “Write for us” Mobile Technology Write for us
Technology “Submit Guest Post” Fashion Blog “Write for us”
Fashion Style Write for us Technology “Accepting Guest Posts”
Mobile Apps “write for us” Guest Post write for us
Health + “Write for us” Write for us Digital Marketing
Business “Write for us” Write for us Fashion Trends
Fashion Blog + write for us Social Media + “Write for us”
SEM + Write for us Write for us Mobile Apps
“Technology Business” + Write for us Web Hosting Write for us

Author : Nob6

Nob6.com: Nob6 Blog – The Complete blog for Blogging, Business, Money Making Tips, Startups, Webmaster, Guest posting, tips and tricks, and Technology News.

Join Us

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